AP Biology-MacMartin-Q3-2021
"It's not about how many darts you get on the board, it's about hitting the bull's eye."
Period 1: Daily attendance at the beginning of class (Ticket IN the Door) Period 1: Daily attendance at the end of class (Ticket OUT the Door)
Period 2: Daily attendance at the beginning of class (Ticket IN the Door) Period 2: Daily attendance at the end of class (Ticket OUT the Door):
Welcome to Honors/AP Biology!! Our course is organized by modules (units). Within each module are several tasks that may be assigned before a unit assessment. Please be sure to check the calendar daily and read messages sent via Remind and MyConnect.
My email contact is dmacmartin@powayusd.com.
Our class Zoom meeting invite: https://powayusd.zoom.us/j/4219801949
Meeting ID: 421 980 1949
Find your local number: https://powayusd.zoom.us/u/ac4X6FBcHD